What is HIV disease & how we protect

What is HIV disease & how we protect

HIV means human immune deficiency syndrome. It is a viral infection that can inhibit the immune system of humans.

How HIV (Human immune deficiency) transmits

There are many ways through which HIV transfer from one person to the other. It can be transmitted through hospitals sometimes. The doctors use the same syringes or needles for more than one patient; thus, using the same hands-on with different patients results in severe diseases like HIV. By chance, if we use thaffected person with HIV, it is possibly transmitted to the user and caused by AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). HIV another transfer person transmit chance through the saliva like as unlucky chance, and during drink shere water sharing then he transmits the other person and when the germs reach in healty perosn first of all he enter in the blood, then he seprated the whole body of the men. It may enter into the person by blood, saliva, and vagina. It may be transferred from the mother to the child during her pregnancy. It may pass through vaginal fluid, blood, semen, and saliva. Kissing a person, the virus transfers transfers from one body to another. It may also be transferred to the child by the affected mother during her pregnancy or breastfeeding process.

Symptoms of HIV

There are some of the signs that show the presence of HIV disease. Some common symptoms are;

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Rashes on the body
  • Throat infection
  • Influenza
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • TB (tuberculosis)
  • Swelling in lymph nodes
  • Swelling on neck
  • Fatigue
  • Ulcer
  • Chills
  • Night sweats

These are the most common causes that show a person is affected by a severe disease named HIV. It is a painful disease that becomes fatal for the person. The most common cause of HIV is sensual activity. If a man or woman doing hot dual action with more than one person, then they may fall prey to HIV, or it may be caused due to fluids, for example, blood fluid, semen, and vaginal fluid, and may be due to the saliva of the person that is transmitted to the other person through kissing or by using the utensil or any other product of the person of the disease.

How to protect from HIV

We may protect the body from this severe disease by taking some precautions that are given below. Please limit the number of sensual partners (as we know, HIV is transferred from one body to the other body through luscious reproduction. If a person gets into hot contact with more than one person, they are affected by such diseases; we should limit the number of partners to avoid the risk of such dangerous conditions.)

We can avoid the risk of HIV by using condoms every time we are sensual. It may also spread by the transmission of drugs into the body, so we may save ourselves from this disease by inhabiting the drugs into our bodies. In the hospital, we need to see that doctors are not used to already syringes and other equipment. If these things are done, we may prevent other things. The main thing is that in most hospitals, when the patient is in a surgery room, most usable items are reused by the patient, so many diseases are created. Immediately seek the doctor’s advice for that severe disease;

  • Take regular medical care.
  • Take medicines at times.

These are some of the primary and vital precautions we must follow to protect our bodies from this severe and fatal disease. Many of the harmful effects are caused by this disease. It may be detrimental even if it takes a person’s life and results in death.

Harms of HIV

There are many of the harms caused due to HIV, which are described below. This disease can cause severe kidney infections. Stomach infections are also caused by this disease. This disease also affects the function of the liver. It may also cause cardiovascular diseases. Many heart-related problems are caused by this disease. It may also affect the working of the stomach. HIV also affects the bone system of the human. This disease also causes diabetes. Some harmful and fatal diseases are also caused by HIV. For example, it can cause cancerous cells within the body, and thus, it may cause cancer diseases for the person. HIV also affects the family. This disease is considered harmful to the family and is too expensive. Society does not want to have any relation with the person affected by such a disease.

Harms of HIV


HIV means human immune deficiency syndrome. It is a viral infection that can inhibit the immune system of humans. It can be transmitted through hospitals sometimes. The doctors use the same syringes or needles for more than one patient; thus, using the same hands-on with different patients results in severe diseases like HIV. By using utensils of the affected person, we know that HIV is a viral disease, so by using utensils or other products of the person with the disease, we may be affected by HIV.

Which leads to another severe problem, AIDS ( acquired immune deficiency syndrome ). HIV also affects the family. This disease is considered harmful to the family and is too expensive. Society does not want to have any relation with the person affected by such a disease. Thus, these diseases harm a person’s health and cause many serious problems. There are many precautions that we have to follow to save ourselves from this chronic disease.

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