Navigating eating disorders and body dysmophria

Navigating eating disorders and body dysmophria


Body dimorphism disorders are commonly known as eating disorders. This may be a condition when a person is focusing only a part of his body and struggling with an over-emphasis on his specific part of the body as opposed to someone who may be unhappy with their size, shape, or any other aspect of the body. They consider themself very sad and alone and give importance to others than themselves. This may also cause a bad mental health condition. And a person may be worrying over a slight defect in appearance. For example, if we compare two types of girls, fat and slim, we may see that the small girl is confident about her waist.

Still, beyond that, the fatty girl is over-conscious of her weight and always has a problem maintaining her body weight. She exercises and makes a diet plan to control her weight. These things may generate her bad mental health; she may be affected by this disease and consider others better than her. She may have a feeling of some repetitive behaviors must be seen in response to these appearance concerns. This disease almost starts in the teenage years; thus, the problem with looks and physical appearance is expected at this age.


Girls are also concerned about their colors, applying lots of cosmetics and doing many face surgeries to make themselves look better and more beautiful. If we look at the history of the girl who is more conscious about her weight than in her past, the diet plan, walking, jumping, and exercise are widespread to reduce weight. All of these things can show this disease.

Symptoms of eating disorders and body dysmorphia 

The signs showing this disease’s presence are given below. Avoiding mirrors due to their features: Some girls consider her ugly, so she must avoid them. This may be attributed to depression or a disturbance in their mental health. Constantly use a mirror to see yourself. Sometimes, the battle of looking perfect is not suitable for the mental health of the people, and thus, some of the girls spend a lot of part in front of the mirror and, therefore, want to look better and perfect. This may cause jealousy among them, and thus, they may get this disease. She puts on a lot of makeup to hide her face from others.

Sometimes, the person has some threats about her features. They start to consider others cheaper than others and think they look like; if some girls have any pimples or wrinkles, they get worried and begin to hide these marks by using too much makeup and want to look beautiful. So, it is common for girls to hide their faces in makeup to look beautiful. It may also cause a battle among girls to look perfect, which may cause stress and generate this disease. You are constantly comparing yourself with others.

Symptoms of eating disorders and body dysmophria 

If we look at the girls’ behavior, we may see that it is more common for some girls to look better than others and always try to be better. They get jealous of another beautiful girl. So, it is a harmful physiological effect on girls. They always try to look different from others, that’s why they can apply to make, start to control their body weight, apply many cosmetics and also try some surgeries to make their body parts looks better and more beautiful and all of these kinds of comparison make them mentally depress and maybe they suffer from depression. Thus, we may say that they are suffering from the disease of BDD, which is called body dysmorphic disorder. So, the state of comparison creates or starts this disease.


Depression Stress Anxiety Feeling sad and depressed Family disorders that may be called genetics or inheritance transfer disorders Negative evaluations Negative sele image Abnormal mental health Low self-imagination Fear of being rejected or imagining expectation of society looks perfection tonal behavior.



It is a more common disease among girls and women, possibly due to society’s high demand for looks perfect and better than others. It can create a thrill or fear among the girls about their beauty, and they become more conscious and careful about their attractiveness; it may sometimes cause many complications. Also, a chance of bad mental health is generated due to these complications. Body dimorphism disorders are commonly known as eating disorders. This may be a condition when a person is focusing only a part of his body and struggling with an over-emphasis on his specific part of the body as it shows that as opposed to someone who may be unhappy with their size, shape, or any other aspect of the body.

They consider them sad and alone and give importance to others other than her. This may also cause a bad mental health condition. And a person may be worrying over a slight defect in appearance. The competition on looks, fat or slim, white or black, clothes, cosmetics, and other things creates a battle among the girls, and thus, their mental health is also disturbed due to this battle. To avoid the risk of this disease and improve our mental health, we should avoid this battle, be comfortable and relaxed with our natural looks, and thank our GOD in every condition. This may be a condition that ensures good mental health and also improves BDD.

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