Preventing osteporsis through proper nutrition

Preventing osteporsis through proper nutrition


Bones are essential for the body’s functions and protect the body. They help in the body’s movement. It also contains a high amount of calcium and nutrition; thus, it transfers calcium to different body parts. The bones can make the blood cells, protect the body’s other organs, and store minerals. The longest body bone is the thigh bone, and the smallest bone is the stapes in the ear. About two hundred and six bones are present in the body of men, and all of them are important for the proper functioning of men and the control of appropriate development and metabolism. The bones can give strength to the body. They also make the shape of the men; the men’s body posture and form depend upon the structure of the bones. So, the role of the bones in men’s Health is vital and makes good bones healthy. About two hundred and six bones, 206, are present in our body with specific functions.


The disease of bones is caused when the structure of the bones changes. This disease affects the mineral density of bones and bone mass. This may result in the breakage of bones. The bones become very soft, and the structure of the bones may change; thus, I also decrease their density and cause the breakage of bones, which may be called osteoporosis. This disease occurs at any age, and it mainly affects women and also on children.


The main symptoms of osteoporosis are given below;

  • Severe pain in the lower back part
  • Receding gums
  • Height loss
  • Stooped shape to the spine
  • Prolonged illness mainly affects the child’s
  • Weakened grip or holding strength
  • Brittle fingernails

symptoms osteoporosis

Men can get good bone health or may get rid of this dangerous disease. He has to use a proper diet with a good amount of proteins. Protein is a good food source, making up 50 % of the percent volume of the bones.


Dairy products like milk, meat, poultry, and fish have rich proteins and strengthen the bones. The eggs also have a good amount of proteins. There are many sources of protein;

  • Beans
  • Grains
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Lean beef
  • Almonds
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Oats
  • Pumpkin seeds

Many sources of proteins and it is helpful for the growth of bones. Proteins are blocks of amino acids. Many amino acids make the protein for the healthy human body. These proteins are essential for developing the child’s and the baby’s metabolism. Many proteins usually function, and the development of the body’s muscle cells is also composed of proteins like hair, nails, etc.


Almonds, Milk, Yogurt, Figs, Dark leaf, Orange, Broccoli, and Nuts are the best sources of calcium.


Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones throughout life. It helps to form bones and teeth. It gives assists in the movement of muscles. Helps in the flow of blood. Release hormones and also enzymes that support the body’s functions. Calcium makes the bones and teeth in the body. They help in the transport of nutrients. It helps in making the blood clots. Also, avoid the osteoporosis.



The abovementioned food can help maintain the growth and development of the bones. It strengthens the bones and supports them, helps in the contraction and relaxation of bones, and secures the body from diseases.


So, we must use good food, nutrients, protein, and calcium to make healthy bones and good Health. These things are used properly, and in a few days, we see healthy bones and all diseases are protected. The deficiency of these materials is terrible for men’s Health, and thus, the bones can become weak. They may affect, .and a problem can be caused due to their osteoporosis deficiency. Therefore, we must use good nutrition and a proper diet to eliminate this disease and strengthen our bones.
We have to protect our bones. We use food rich in calcium, minerals, and iron because these essential elements make bones.
We do some physical exercise that benefits men and makes the bones strong and active. Milk can provide a good amount of calcium, the bones’ raw material. Milk is a good protein source that strengthens bones and strengthens them. The bones can give strength to the body. They also make the shape of the men; the men’s body posture and form depend upon the structure of the bones. So, the role of the bones in men’s Health is vital and makes good bones. Health: We have to protect our bones. We use food rich in calcium, minerals, and iron because these essential elements make bones. We do some physical exercise that benefits men and makes the bones strong and active. Milk can provide a good amount of calcium, the raw material for the bones, which is responsible for the growth and metabolism of the bones.

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